Tuesday, February 23, 2010

dzama diorama

My favorite artist, Marcel Dzama, is showing the largest collection of his work at the Montreal Museum of Contemporary Art.

That means there's everything from drawings...

to life-size sculptures...

to dioramas.

As someone who's never been to Canada, I'm going to make it my duty to get to this exhibit. The show is up until April 25th. I'll make it my post-thesis show, pre-graduation road trip. Now I just have to find someone with a car...or walk for 8 days.

Monday, February 22, 2010

oh joy, i can see you.

Things are looking up for me, always looking down for BOXhead. Here's one of today's new drawings.

Was told about the work of Toba Khedoori today. She draws!! Thinking about the 'next step' to my drawings. Figured out there doesn't need to be one. Now focusing on creating imperfect drawings (style-wise) of situations that really hit home.

Toba Khedoori

Sunday, February 21, 2010

my IP project today

Creation-wise, things are slow going with BOXhead these days. However, I have had the time to think about the final form(s) that my IP project is going to take:

-- 20+ drawings placed centrally on a wall
-- handmade zine as a take-away placed in white cube/box on floor

Progress of offsite exhibition space: one place in particular is in the works. I may be jumping the gun, but it seems quite promising.

Title: no longer 'BOXhead.' The final series will be "this is the worst"

This week's objective: get back into the swing of things, damnit!

I miss drawing. Intensive drawing where you don't need caffeine to stay awake. Yeah, that's the stuff.

keeping a good thing going

Disillusion is in it's mid-life crisis. Halfway between the beginning and the end of the exhibition. I really want to keep the show in high demand.

still from video by Brian Hunter

I started blogging for the new and improved PLAY gallery. The PLAY blog consists of a group of artists sharing ideas, projects, and art-related news not only with each other, but with everyone who tunes in. I fear a post-graduation life where I'm not surrounded by artists/"creative thinkers," so I'm excited to be part of this select group of bloggers.

still from video by Paolo Carone

My second post is on Disillusion (imagine that!). A bit on how it started, some ideas behind it, and photos from the show. Written with the help of words by co-curator E.E. Campbell.

ALSO. Look forward to a review of Disillusion by the Ann Arbor News. I know I am!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

12 February 2010

Promised photos of Disillusion's opening night, courtesy of Dmytri Hryciw.

a show that demands three different colors of punch

Fidel by E.E. Campbell (an opening night special)

view of downstairs

Sweet Light by Jeremy Daly and Jack Doehring
(hope you got to it before it EXPLODED)

performance by Jeremy Daly and Kevin McKay

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

you did it!

The absence from my blog and schoolwork this past week can be accredited to an art exhibition that my good friend/artist, E.E. Campbell, and I curated: DISILLUSION. The show opened at Work • Ann Arbor this past Friday, February 12th and it was a huge success with music performances by friends, Jeremy Daly and Kevin McKay, and then later a poetry slam by Students of Color of Rackham.

Ann Arbor pulled together to make this night really something! Here's hoping this is the start of some larger collaboration between A&D and the city it calls home...

DISILLUSION is open until March 12th. Photographs to come...

Monday, February 8, 2010

studio mating

It's the beginning of February. Yep, seems like the time when most students here at A&D working on their IP projects are letting the crazy slip out. 2 months left before our projects must be done, finished, complete. I'm definitely feeling it.

Evan's got the crazy (even though his work seems to be progressively mature...).

Don't let that sweet face fool you. Erica's got the crazy, too.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

wheat ale and a macbook pro.

So it seems that contemporary photography is taking charge of influencing my IP project. Who would've guessed? Today's find: Rachel Hulin. Queit, aching, quirky, classic.

This one doesn't relate much to BOXhead, but I can't get enough of it.