Tuesday, March 30, 2010

the end-of-march crazies

I finally finished this painting that's been sitting in my studio for months.

IP update -- final drawings on nice (and I mean nice) paper are in progress. Zines being made this weekend. Mockup happens tomorrow.

Also, went a little overboard with paper cranes this weekend...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

2 of my favorite things: drawing and collaborating

A most recent collaboration with my friend Brendan and his project, The Eternal Mixtape Project. As creating a meaningful mixtape chronicling my life would be too time consuming at the moment, I donated this logo to the cause.

i wish...

I could draw like this --

Seemingly a stream of concious-type drawing. Whatever pops into your head. I both admire and envy you, Andy Miller.

dear BOXhead, how are you?

Now that I'm starting my final drawings, I've come up with a new strategy to getting the right quality of each drawing. I've drawn the majority of the BOXhead situations in a clean, perfected style. That's nice and all, but it gets a little boring. If I'm going to make this series all about drawing, I might as well challenge myself.

First Step: sketch sketch sketch. Get those postures figured out.

Middle of the Road: a clean-cut drawing.

Final Product: a roughed up, lived in drawing.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday sketches

Hey look, I'm working on my IP project again! I thought I would never get a free moment...so I draw during my other classes.

(bad scans. better soon to come.)


Ok, so I took a stab at my first comic. Frightening, I know. It's not completely finished. I'd still like to re-ink it and experiment with color. At the very least, I tried.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

more photography

Back on my National Park kick. Thanks a lot Mikaylah Bowman.

(discovered through BOOOOOOOM!)

Monday, March 8, 2010

inspire me, will ya?

Spent my last official spring break in Chicago, reuniting myself with the homeland.

Became intimate with downtown's Alexander Calder sculpture.

Amidst the lure of a vacation, I still managed to get some work done.

Finally clocked in some long overdue quality time in with my brother, Geoff.

Friday, March 5, 2010

coffee run

While in Chicago this past weekend, I visited my brother's favorite coffee shop, Intelligentsia. Their 'pick of the day' proved to be well worth the $2.00. The atmosphere was casual and comfortable. A perfect place to sketch.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ann Arbor, eat your heart out

The headlines are correct: Disillusion has received a review from John CantĂș of the Ann Arbor News! In the words of artist-friend Ben Bertin, it's "glowing" (so much that I'll forgive Mr. CantĂș for constantly referring to the show as Dis Illusion...)

'Eyeball Mountain #1' by Ben Bertin

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

virtual post-it

A little check list of things to get done in IP this week before I forget...

-- color experimentation (it's about damn time)
-- flattening paper
-- the commencement of my final drawings on that flattened paper

For the FUTURE...

-- stickers

Why? Because we like you.